February 28, 2014


It's Friday! I woke up happy, know we're going out for dinner tonight with our sisters and brothers-in-law, so the dreaded "what are we going to have for dinner" question was not even going to be an option! AHHHHH! YES!

Until the daughter got up. "If you guys are going out, what are we going to have? Pizza?" Well, no. Pizza will be tomorrow night. So now I have to figure out what the kids are going to eat since we will not be here. The husband said "cook something up" to the daughter. She was not amused.

So the question remains out there. We'll probably go pick them up something because if we get to enjoy a meal out, then why shouldn't they?

Everyone have a great weekend and treat yourself to meal out. Toast the fact that you are NOT cooking when you do!


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